Welcome once again, to the fascinating world of the Japanese language.
The Japanese like to shorten words and sentences so much that in many cases all that is left at the end are a few fragments of words.
This month’s Japanese phrases.
ドタキャン “dotakyan”
I am certain that we all know the situation when somebody cancels an appointment shortly before the time of the meeting. The meaning of dotakyan is to suddenly cancel something. It comes from the two words “dotanba” 土壇場 (in the last minute) and “kyanseru” キャンセル (cancel). It is a well-known phrase and is used often if someone suddenly calls off a date, work or any promised meeting.
マジギレ “majigire”
This word describes the exact feeling someone experiences when they are dotakyan-ed, but it can also be used in different irritating situations. This time, let me start by explaining the first part of the phrase: “maji” マジ. It comes from the Japanese word “majime” 真面目 which means serious. Young people sometimes use it instead of “hontou” 本当 (real) when they want to ask “Really?”. Be careful because it is not a polite way to ask, so only use it with friends. Now let’s see our phrase “majigire” マジギレ. Here you can translate “maji” マジ as seriously. “Gire” ギレ comes from the verb “kireru” キレる which means to get angry. So “majigire” マジギレ means seriously getting angry.
Example sentence
(Kare ni deeto wo dotakyan sareta.)
He cancelled our date at the last minute.
(Waa, Yuuko ga okurerutte sa. Konsa-to ga hajimacchau yo. Majigire da ne.)
Wah, Yuko is going to be late. The concert is beginning soon. I am seriously getting angry.