1 – Chop the vegetables into large chunks.
2 – Heat the oil in a frying pan, then stir fry the vegetables except for the green peppers.
3 – Add the konjac.
4 – Add the green peppers.
5 -When the vegetables are golden brown, add all the condiments except the vinegar and the sesame, then add water.
6 – Cover with greaseproof paper and simmer.
7 – When the vegetables are cooked (test with a skewer), add the vinegar and allow to reduce.
8 – Place in a bowl and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
You can use root vegetables such as potatoes, sifies (gobo), bamboo shoots or peppers of any colour. It’s best not to use vegetables with a high water content.
This dish can be eaten hot or cold.
INGREDIENTS (for 10 rolls)
1 carrot
1/8 pumpkin
1 sweet potato
2 green peppers
100 g renkon (lotus root)
100 g konnyaku (konjac potato)
3 tablespoons sake
4 tablespoons sugar
5 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons mirin (rice wine)
1 tablespoon rice vinegar
1 tablespoon grilled sesame seeds
150 ml water